Social Media Day 2013

Did you know there’s an entire day devoted to social media lovers like us?  Social Media Day, hosted by Mashable, celebrated the connected generation around the world on June 30th for the 4th year in a row. Over 118,000 tweets regarding the celebration from six different continents were posted via the hashtag #SMDAY.

Across the globe different meetups were organized to recognize the digital revolution happening right before our eyes. Personally, my first memory of social media beginning to impact my life was sophmore year of high school. Mind you, this was back in 2005- Myspace’s prime time. It was the most visited social network in the world, and all my friends were starting to build profiles. I remember you could choose your top eight friends to be on your profile (in order!). Giving a group of 16-year-old girls the chance to rank their friends based on the drama of the day? Of course we were hooked!  Don’t even get me started on my first public relationship change.

So much has changed since my Myspace days. Now I run a number of social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest) for myself and others. It’s funny to remember how it all started and one of many reasons to celebrate Social Media Day 2013!

If your city doesn’t recognize the day, fear not. You can submit a proclamation request to your City Hall. Remember why the day is important to your city; Social Media is a way to connect your community. If anything, celebrate by just giving yourself a  minute to reminicise on your first media memories.

Share your Social Media Day 2013 memories or celebrations with me!

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